Key Information


The Harleston Sancroft Academy is part of the Diocese of Norwich St. Benet’s Multi Academy Trust, company number 11276240, set up as a charitable trust limited by guarantee. It has a tiered management and governance structure, with the Board of Trustees of the Academy Trust Company overseeing the strategic direction of each of its academies. The Trustees of the Academy Trust Company can be seen on St Benet’s website.

We are currently seeking two additional parent governors and one trust appointed Governor to join our Local Governance Committee.  If you are interested in joining our team dedicated to supporting and improving the experience of our school community members, please read the attached recruitment pack or contact us for further information.

The Trust is committed to engagement with local school communities and ensures each academy has a Local Governance Committee (LGC) working to a Scheme of Delegation

Doc Store block is missing files

As a new school that opened in September 2022, there are no records of attendance for Governors meetings prior to this date for the Harleston Sancroft Academy. However, below you will find a record of The Harleston Federation (Harleston Primary Academy and Archbishop Sancroft High School for the 2021/22 academic year):


The Harleston Sancroft Academy has evolved to where it is now with dignity, strength and kindness.

Current parent of Y10 student


I feel valued as a member of staff. I like the fact the school has a clear vision, a vision that I feel a part of.

Current member of teaching staff


Every single person who works at the school contributes to who I am. It truly is a special place where we are all one big family.

Current Y11 student
