Secondary Phase


Admission of students at the beginning of Year 7

Parents of pupils in Year 6 (at September 2023) who wish to apply for a High School place for September 2024 at The Harleston Sancroft Academy are advised that they should apply via their Local Authority. Where applicable, families may also complete the supplementary form (Appendix 2 of the admissions policy) and return this to the school (Secondary Phase).

Important Deadline Dates

11th September 2023 – County Admissions Round opens

31st October 2023 – Deadline for applications to be received

1st March 2024 – National Offer Day, letters confirming allocated places are sent by the Local Authority, or are sent by email if you have applied online

Applications are invited from families early in the autumn term of Year 6 (please note, this does not apply to children who are currently attending The Harleston Sancroft Academy Primary Phase).  The deadline for submissions is the 31st October 2023. Once places have been confirmed in March 2024, we will be in touch to confirm arrangements for students joining us. Our SEND Manager will liaise with local primary schools and families to provide additional support for children joining us with additional needs. 

As a school we take great pride in our transition programme which begins in Year 5 in our local primary schools and continues into year 7. This programme is overseen by the Pastoral Team and is managed and delivered by the Head of Student Support,. This unique programme highlights our commitment to pastoral care and the wellbeing of your child. Mrs Whittleton delivers the ‘Stepping Up’ programme every term to all Year 6 pupils and organises a number of additional events over the year. We work closely with the Year 6 teachers to get to know each child, to understand their strengths and also any areas where they may require support. In the eight years this programme has been running we have seen a marked difference in the ease in which year 7 pupils settle into life here; they join us with greater confidence, higher self-esteem, and enthusiasm.   

Parents applying for the admission of children from outside the ‘catchment’ area (Year 7 and subsequent year groups)

Although this school is a ‘catchment’ school, we are happy to accept students from out of catchment, providing families are prepared to meet the cost of transport. Where the out of catchment student has been directed to our school because of lack of spaces at a more local school, Children’s Services is obliged to meet transport costs.

We are also pleased to be able to offer our transition programme to Year 6 children outside of our catchment area, ‘Stepping Up’ sessions are held in our library for children not at our main catchment schools (Harleston Sancroft Academy – Primary Phase, Pulham Primary, Dickleburgh Primary and Alburgh with Denton Primary schools) this has proven to be an excellent way to make friendships and gain confidence. Out of catchment children will also be invited to our transition events, they will have a dedicated Year 9 student ambassador working with them and their school during Year 6 and they will get the same level of support as our catchment children (we ask that you to provide transport to activities). 

For any questions regarding Stepping Up and your child’s transition to The Harleston Sancroft Academy – Secondary Phase, please contact the Stepping Up team at 

Click here to access our Admissions PolicySecondary Phase. The supplementary form can be found in Appendix 2 of the policy, pages 11 and 12.

In-year admissions (all year groups)

Initial enquiries may be made to Lucy Field – All applications must go through your Local Authority admissions team. The Local Authority will then approach the school to determine availability of places. 

The following tasks are delegated to the appropriate Senior Leader or Head of House:

  1. Contacting the current school
  2. Referring any consequent concerns to the Headteacher
  3. Organising Form Group/Teaching Groups
  4. Contacting the parent/carer to arrange an admission date where space permits

I feel valued as a member of staff. I like the fact the school has a clear vision, a vision that I feel a part of.

Current member of teaching staff


Every single person who works at the school contributes to who I am. It truly is a special place where we are all one big family.

Current Y11 student


The Harleston Sancroft Academy has evolved to where it is now with dignity, strength and kindness.

Current parent of Y10 student
