

In the early years and primary phase at Harleston Sancroft Academy, our core values (hope, perseverance, wisdom, love, respect & faith) underpin our curriculum intent, which is to enable children to be computer literate as they enter the digital world and to allow them to flourish and grow. Our knowledge-rich, vocabulary-driven curriculum focuses on developing three core elements of Computing: Computer Science, Information Technology and Digital Literacy. The progression and skills-based curriculum facilitates children’s ability to build on and apply previous knowledge to become successful learners. We aim to weave ICT skills across the primary phase subjects and by creating digitally literate learners, pupils are equipped to express themselves and develop ideas through ICT and “Live life in all its fullness” (John 10:10)


I feel valued as a member of staff. I like the fact the school has a clear vision, a vision that I feel a part of.

Current member of teaching staff


Every single person who works at the school contributes to who I am. It truly is a special place where we are all one big family.

Current Y11 student


The Harleston Sancroft Academy has evolved to where it is now with dignity, strength and kindness.

Current parent of Y10 student
