Please contact the school office in the first instance if you would like to get in touch with a member of staff: or phone 01379 853211
Headteacher – Mr R Connelly
School Business Manager – Mrs E Johnson
Office Team
- Mrs K Elvin, Receptionist
- Mrs S Duerden, Administration
- Miss E Golby, Administration
- Mrs R Rickard, Administration
Senior Leadership Team
- Mrs J Price – Head of Primary
- Mrs L Botwright – Assistant Head – ATS SENCo
- Mrs S Street – Assistant Head
Teaching Staff
- Nursery – Mrs E Spittle and Mrs Abbott
- Reception – Mrs B Beaumont (Early Years Lead)
- Year 1 – Miss E Ingram
- Year 1/2 – Miss V Scofield, Mrs Spurgeon
- Year 3 – Mrs M Stead & Miss F Goddard
- Year 4 – Mrs L Tooke, Mrs Pritchard & Mr T Kirton
- Year 5 – Mrs S Hunter, Mrs Ablett & Mrs S Moore
- Year 6 – Mr J Brooks & Mrs H East
- Miss A Oslavio
- SEND – Mrs K Kinsella
Cover Supervisors
- Mrs S Hallinan
- Mr Marshall
- Pastoral Support – Mr J Mullen
Teaching Assistants
- Mrs Baugh
- Mrs Brand
- Mrs Brooks
- Mrs Batt
- Miss Barber
- Mrs Denney
- Miss Etteridge
- Mrs Gower
- Miss Gray
- Mrs Green
- Mrs Kubala
- Mrs Mackenzie
- Mrs Davey-Smith
- Mrs Smith
- Miss Snowling
- Miss Lugo
- Mrs Ling
- Mrs Longford
- Mrs Shaw
- Mrs Reeder
- Mrs Carter
- Mrs Patnell
- Mrs Reeder
- Mrs Shaw
Midday Supervisors
- Miss S Bullingham
- Mrs S Farmer
- Miss K Green
- Mrs R Hamling
- Mrs M Khanom
- Mrs L Hilton
Premises Staff
- Mr T Cross – Senior Caretaker
- Miss G Binns
- Mrs D Bye
- Mrs S Wilkinson
Nourish Kitchen Team
- Miss M Johnson
- Mrs A Roberts
- Mrs D Bye
- Miss H Nobbs