Dove Curriculum Overview
To provide a nurturing, immersive, individualised learning experience where children can confidently explore through a combination of child-led and adult-initiated skill-based activities. We model our relationship-based teaching and learning on an adaptive and responsive ethos, acknowledging the needs and abilities of the individual child at that moment in time. All interactions in The Hub are underpinned by our school values (hope, perseverance, wisdom, love, respect & faith), allowing pupils to flourish and grow.
Practitioners are trained to provide individualised and bespoke knowledge-rich learning opportunities. We use a combination of ‘planning in the moment’, dynamic observation and assessment with short bursts of adult-initiated intervention. We respond to each child individually and holistically, tailoring our practice accordingly for individual learners, ensuring they flourish to live life in all its fullness.
We use Norfolk Assessment Pathway and EYFS curriculum to underpin learning opportunities, backed up by the Engagement Model. Staff have different focuses and responsibilities each session to seamlessly incorporate play and learning opportunities, including intensive interactions; nurture and emotional literacy; independence and self-help skills; sensory circuits and sensory integration. Communication and language skills are taught explicitly through vocabulary-driven interactions including signing, Picture Exchange Communication Systems and modelling verbal language.