At The Harleston Sancroft Academy, we aim to ensure students are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum with optional elements of bespoke learning. Teachers at Sancroft are dedicated to ensure that provision is accessible to every young person. The collaboration within the Multi Academy Trust allows teachers to reflect and refine their practice in order to provide high-quality learning for all.
How we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND Provision
We continuously ensure that provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children. We measure all student’s academic progress through summative assessments and where applicable, through targeted intervention. The progress of students with SEND is monitored by the teacher and the SENDCo. Information regarding progress is then used to evaluate the effectiveness of the support that is given. We will also gather information from the young person, parents/carers, Teaching Assistants and, where applicable, professionals from other agencies.
We place great importance on effective SEND provision and regularly review the impact of our intervention.
Evaluation methods include:
- Pupil and parent voice – questionnaires
- Assess, Plan, Do, Review outcomes
- SENCo/SLT/Governor monitoring
- Performance management targets
With the permission of parents, we may also seek additional advice from outside specialists. This extra advice may come from health professionals, specialist teachers or educational psychologists.
These professionals may:
- Carry out further activities to show what the child finds easy and what they may need specific help with
- Provide advice to schools on how to best support the child
- Suggest resources (things) that would help the child make progress
If your child needs support from a range of professionals to succeed in school and in life, we will talk with you. We may, with your permission, ask the Local Authority to carry out an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.
The Hub
Harleston Sancroft Academy is supported by the Local First Inclusion Improvement Programme to provide Enhanced SEN provision for students who require an adapted provision to meet their needs. The Hub is an intervention to provide a nurturing, immersive, individualised learning experience where children can confidently explore through a combination of child-led and adult-initiated skill-based activities. We model our relationship-based teaching and learning on an adaptive and responsive ethos, acknowledging the needs and abilities of the individual child at that moment in time. All interactions in The Hub are underpinned by our school values.
Practitioners are trained to provide individualised and bespoke knowledge-rich learning opportunities. We use a combination of ‘planning in the moment’, dynamic observation and assessment with short bursts of adult-initiated intervention. We respond to each child individually and holistically, tailoring our practice accordingly for individual learners, ensuring they flourish to live life in all its fullness.
We use Norfolk Assessment Pathway and EYFS curriculum to underpin learning opportunities, backed up by the Engagement Model. Staff have different focuses and responsibilities each session to seamlessly incorporate play and learning opportunities, including intensive interactions; nurture and emotional literacy; independence and self-help skills; sensory circuits and sensory integration. Communication and language skills are taught explicitly through vocabulary-driven interactions including signing, Picture Exchange Communication Systems and modelling verbal language.
During their educational journey, a student may require a more bespoke and personalised approach to their learning. In which case, the student may receive some additional intervention as part of their provision. At Sancroft, we offer optional personalised learning interventions to identified students.
For those students who have disabilities, guidance is sought and all reasonable adjustments are made.
Information Reports
Accessibility Policy and Plan
Children’s Guide to SEND for younger children
Children’s Guide to SEND for older children
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
SEN Information Report
To contact Mrs Laura Botwright, SENDCo, please email