It is a great pleasure to introduce you to the Pickering house page and we hope you find all the information that you need.
Possibly the greatest strength of the house is its friendly, easy going atmosphere and strong sense of community.
Our house moto is “I never lose. I either win or I learn”. As a house we strive for excellence and when we struggle, we are resilient and keep on trying. Just like with the development of WD40, we will keep trying until we get the formula right, even if it takes 40 attempts.
Within our community we have four “form families” lead by our amazing form tutors –
Head of House | Mr S Betts |
Form Tutors | P1 Mr E King P2 Mr R Page P3 Mrs K Burgess P4 TBC |
Pickering Form Time Schedule
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday |
Current Affairs | Collective Worship | Well-Being | Collective Worship | Independent Study |