At Harleston Sancroft Academy, we aim to ensure students are offered full access to a broad, balanced and relevant education, including an appropriate curriculum with optional elements of bespoke learning. Teachers at Sancroft are dedicated to ensuring that provision is accessible to every young person. The collaboration within the Multi Academy Trust allows teachers to reflect and refine their practice in order to provide high-quality learning for all.
We employ the following (Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) who work under the direction of the SENDCo, SEND Manager and teachers to ensure the best possible outcomes for our students with additional learning needs:
- Mrs N Andrews
- Mrs C Cook
- Mrs S Deemer
- Miss A Doe
- Mrs S Florence
- Mrs HA Fogg
- Miss P Frost
- Mrs D Griffin
- Mr I Hayward
- Mrs E Jones
- Miss S Naeem
- Mrs S Neal
- Mrs N Shaw
- Mr R Page
- Mrs J Shepherd
How we evaluate the effectiveness of our SEND Provision
We continuously ensure that provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all of our children. We measure all student’s academic progress through summative assessments and where applicable, through targeted intervention. The progress of students with SEND is monitored by the subject teacher, Curriculum Leader, Faculty Leader and the SENDCo. Information regarding progress is then used to evaluate the effectiveness of the support that is given. We will also gather information from the young person, parents/carers, Learning Support Assistants and, where applicable, professionals from other agencies.
We place great importance on effective SEND provision and regularly review the impact of our intervention. Evaluation methods include:
- Reviews as part of Faculty and Subject Meetings
- Book scrutiny
- Curriculum scrutiny
- Provision mapping
- SENDCo/SEND Manager/SLT/Governor monitoring
- Learning walks
- Performance management targets
- Quality Assurance measures
- With the permission of parents, we may also seek additional advice from outside specialists. This extra advice may come from health professionals, specialist teachers or educational psychologists
These professionals may:
- Carry out further activities to show what the child finds easy and what they may need specific help with
- Provide advice to schools on how to best support the child
- Suggest resources (things) that would help the child make progress
If your child needs lots of help from a range of professionals to succeed in school and in life, we will talk with you. We may, with your permission, ask the Local Authority to carry out an Education, Health and Care Needs Assessment.
A Team
Harleston Sancroft Academy is supported by the Local First Inclusion Improvement Programme to provide Enhanced SEN provision for students with Social, Emotional and Mental Health needs. In creating a sustainable model that’s proactive rather than reactive and is fully inclusive at its core, we are able to offer a high quality Nurture Provision (the A Team).
The A Team is a cohort of students that receive nurture-based provision. It is teacher led and supported by a Learning Support Assistant (LSA) and a Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA) who leads high quality intervention. The aim of this focused intervention strategy is to ensure students are given the academic, social and emotional support they need as well as provide support and guidance in a safe, and structured environment. We respond to each child individually and holistically, tailoring our practice accordingly for individual learners, ensuring they flourish to live life in all its fullness.
A number of resources are designed to bridge the gap between home and school and aim to enable full access to the curriculum. Students are carefully selected according to their individual holistic profile of needs, identified using a dynamic assessment model, visits to the child in their primary school, as well as conversations with families and previous settings. A variety of tailored experiences, opportunities and resources are then employed to address these needs within a culture of trust, understanding and knowledge.
To ensure our nurture students continue to make academic progress we have created a unique curriculum that teaches core knowledge and social and emotional skills. The nurture centre is solely for our most vulnerable students, providing both a safe and secure environment.
The group incorporates the six principles of nurture:
- Children’s learning is understood developmentally
- The classroom offers a safe base
- The importance of nurture for the development of self-esteem
- Language is a vital means of communication
- All behaviour is communication
- The importance of transition in children’s lives
During their educational journey, a student may require a more bespoke and personalised approach to their learning. In which case, the student may receive some additional intervention as part of their provision. At Sancroft, we offer optional personalised learning interventions to identified students.
For those students who have disabilities, guidance is sought, and all reasonable adjustments are made.
Information Reports
SEN Information Report 2023 to 2024
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy
Accessibility Policy
Mrs Laura Botwright, ATS SENDCo
To contact Mrs Carolyn Whittleton, SEND Manager