Curriculum intent
Our Curriculum aims to motivate and involve students in world issues both globally and locally. Our curriculum encourages students to view the physical and human features of the world we live in. We want to enrich our students understanding of the world through a diverse and broad range of topics. Our curriculum encourages our students of the future to understand how their lives are connected to others and are both shaped by and impact on the environments they inhabit so they are to make responsible choices for the future.
Key Stage 3 Programme of study
Key Stage 4 Geography Programme of Study
Year 7 Geography schemes of learning
Unit 1 What is Geography?
Unit 2 Dangerous Geography Hurricanes
Unit 3 Sustainability
Unit 4 The Weather
Unit 5 The study of Population
Unit 6 Settlement
Year 8 Geography schemes of learning
Unit 1 Tourism
Unit 2 Dangerous Geography Volcanoes
Unit 3 Ecosystems The Amazon Rainforest
Unit 4 How does ice change the world?
Unit 5 The study of China
Unit 6 Coasts How have our coastlines changed?
Year 9 Geography schemes of learning
Unit 1 Development
Unit 2 Globalisation
Unit 3 Dangerous Geography Earthquakes and Tsunamis
Unit 5 Urban Problems
Unit 6 Africa
Key Stage 4 Schemes of learning
Section A The challenge of natural hazards
Section C Physical landscapes in the UK
Unit 2 Section A changing urban environments
Section B The Living world
Unit 2 Section B The changing living world
Unit 2 Section B The changing economic world